Saturday, October 31, 2009

Can a devout Muslim be an American patriot and a loyal citizen?

Consider this:

Theologically, NO.
Because his allegiance is to allah, the moon god of Arabia.

Scripturally, NO.
Because his allegiance is to the five pillars of islam and the quran (koran).

Socially, NO.
Because his allegiance to islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.

Politically, NO.
Because he must submit to the mullahs, who preach the annihilation of Israel and the destruction of America, the great satan.

Domestically, NO.
Because he is instructed to beat and scourge his wife when she disobey's him.
(koran 4:34)

Religiously, NO.
Because no other religion is accepted by his allah except islam.
(koran 2:256)

Intellectually, NO.
Because he cannot accept the United States Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Geographically, NO
Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns to pray five times a day.

Philosophically, NO.
Because islam, muhammed and the koran do not allow freedom of religion and expression.

Spiritually, NO.
Because when we declare "One Nation Under GOD", we declare the Christian's GOD who is loving and kind, While allah is NEVER referred to as our "heavenly father" nor is he ever called "Love" in the koran's ninety nine excellent names

Finally, keep in mind that a constitutional republic and islam cannot co-exist. Every muslim government is either dictitorial or autocratic.......perhaps we should be very SKEPTICAL of ALL MUSLIMS in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. They obviously cannot be good muslims and good Americans.

Call it what you's still the TRUTH.

name of author withheld for reasons of security

Thursday, October 15, 2009

My Children are my life!

What kind of man would not fight for the opportunity to shape and influence their childrens' lives? Even in the most difficult of circumstances, no matter what the financial cost or emotional tribulation.

I understand that there are members of the male species who are ambivolent to the true meaning of fatherhood or the responsiblity that it intails but it seems to be more of the gender than not. It is very disappointing to me being in such a minority.

I understand that every circumstance is different for example I know a man who did not marry his oldest sons' mother and fought for his rights but has had to take the approach of "He will be 18 soon" and it sucks cause he still has to deal with financial obligation even though he hasn't seen him or been a part of his life for six years. My heart goes out to him and his wife and youngest son. It is not right when children are used as weapons.

I know another man who very much wants to be apart of his three daughters' lives. His ex-wife is makingit difficult for him by make very slanderous statements about him to the county superior court in our town. What a shame. It situations like this that make me want to help in anyway I can. I loudly applaude the man for taking care of his business and focusing in on his children. In the same breath I scorn a woman who would deny a father the right to be a dad.

After all there does come a point in some mens' brain where its' not about the mother of his children anymore but about his children, the chance to teach them to be a good citizen, to obey the rules and love everyone and it will come back to you. But yet it's hard to belive there are slugs that will leave thier own blood and then try to be a father to another mans' children?
Go figure?

What do you think of these thoughts? Do you think I am an idealist? Do you think I expect to much of men or to little? Mayby you think I'm a jerk (or worse) Please keep in mind that this post applies to mom's to. (I scorn a man too who witholds the children from a woman wanting to be a mom) Let's talk about it.

As for me, I must be blessed with strong genetics and a desperate will to survive and preserve my offspring. I must have done something right to have both of my daughters' living with me today. I am blessed! Syd and JLO are my life.